Creating a Good F2p Pure in Runescape

The key to creating a great pure in runescape is firstly trying to figure out what type of pure you want to become and then write down some goals in the short term and long that you want to achieve to get there.

For example you could become a rune pure which is a pure that has 40 defence 40 to 60 attack and strength as high as possible. This is the most common type of pure as they are harder to kill because of their defence level but can also hit high and have a good chance of killing 1 defence pures.

1 defence pures are as their name suggests, pures that have 1 defence, 40 to 60 attack and strength as high as possible. These types of pures are usually a lower level and are very strong for their combat level. They are the types of pures that you want to be aware of as they can kill other players in 3 hits.

Once you figure out what type of pure your want to become you then need to decide how you are going to train him or her. I would recommend starting off by fighting some chickens and getting your attack level to 10. From there you should raise your strength level to 10 and then your attack level to 20. This process should be followed until you have 25 attack and 25 strength.

Once these stats are reached your work at the chickens are done and you will need to move onto cows to get more experience and gain levels quicker. You want to aim at getting 40 attack and then raising your strength as high as you can possibly get it. This would apply to you if you are a free to play character and do not have access to the members features.

If you decide to become a rune pure then you should get defence after attack and strength are reasonably high because you might find that having 1 defence was the best thing for you and what you felt comfortable with.

I’ll leave you with a parting tip: Always find out the stats of your opponent before you battle them. This will help gauge how strong they are and whether you will win a fight, lose a fight or have a very close fight. Even if your stats are the same, runescape can be very random at times and make it seem that one person is stronger than the other, but this could also be because they are wearing the best equipment for their level and I advise you to get familiar with the items and armor and do the same thing.