Guide to Scar’s One Bar Nightblade Build for The Elder Scrolls Online

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into Scar’s one-bar Nightblade build, specifically designed for the Necromancer chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online. This build delivers exceptional damage output and offers a thrilling gameplay experience.

Racial Choice: Khajiit

The Khajiit race is the preferred choice for this build due to their innate high critical strike chance. Their passive ability, “Eye of the Hunter,” further enhances their crit chance, making them well-suited for maximizing damage output.

Attribute Distribution

Allocate your attributes as follows:

Magicka: 28 points
Health: 26 points
Stamina: 10 points

This distribution prioritizes Magicka, as Nightblades primarily rely on magic-based attacks. While Health and Stamina are crucial for survivability, Magicka takes precedence for maximizing damage.

Mundus Stone: Warrior

The Warrior Mundus stone is an excellent choice for this build, providing a significant boost to weapon and spell damage. This increase in overall damage output aligns perfectly with the build’s focus on offensive prowess.

Food: Resort with Smoked Bear Hunch

For food, opt for the Resort with Smoked Bear Hunch. This delicacy provides a substantial increase to maximum Health, along with boosting Stamina and Magicka recovery. These enhancements contribute to overall survivability and resource management.

Vampire Stage 3

Maintaining Vampire Stage 3 is highly beneficial for this build. The tankiness gained at lower health levels proves invaluable in challenging encounters, allowing you to withstand significant damage.

Gear Setups

One-Piece Slimecraw: This set provides a substantial boost to critical strike chance, further amplifying your damage output.

Ash'n Grip (5-piece): This set offers a combination of increased weapon and spell damage, critical strike chance, and a unique proc that deals fire damage to nearby enemies.

Red Mountain (5-piece): This set complements Ash'n Grip by providing additional weapon and spell damage, critical strike chance, and a powerful proc that deals flame damage over time.

Remaining Gear Pieces

For the remaining gear pieces, prioritize items that enhance weapon and spell damage, critical strike chance, and resistances. Aim for a balance of offensive and defensive stats to ensure both high damage and survivability.


Infuse your jewelry and weapons with enchantments that boost weapon and spell damage. These enchantments directly contribute to your overall damage output.

Skill Selection

Concealed Weapon (Spammable): This skill serves as your primary damage source, dealing significant damage and knocking off balance enemies from the flank.

Shadowy Disguise: This ability provides stealth and mitigates incoming damage, allowing you to retreat from unfavorable situations or reposition for more advantageous attacks.

Resolving Vigor: This skill offers a five-second heal over time and grants minor resolve, increasing physical and spell resistance.

Shrewd Offering (Morph of Malevolent Offering): This skill provides a burst heal and is particularly useful for recovering lost health quickly.

Merciless Resolve: This ultimate ability deals substantial damage, consuming 50% of your Health upon activation.

Incap or Soul Tether (Ultimate Skill): Both ultimates are viable options, depending on the situation. Incap stuns enemies, while Soul Tether deals damage and heals you based on the damage dealt.

Gameplay Tips

Utilize Concealed Weapon as your primary damage source and activate your procs to maximize damage output.

Employ Shadowy Disguise strategically to gain stealth and mitigate incoming damage when needed.

Use Resolving Vigor to maintain your Health and benefit from minor resolve.

Utilize Shrewd Offering for burst healing and to support allies.

Activate Merciless Resolve for significant damage, keeping in mind its Health consumption.

Choose between Incap and Soul Tether as your ultimate, depending on the encounter.

Prioritize weapon and spell damage, critical strike chance, and resistances when selecting gear and enchantments.

Maintain Vampire stage 3 for enhanced survivability at lower health levels.

Adapt your playstyle and skill selection based on the specific content you're tackling.

This one-bar Nightblade build, as outlined by Scar, offers a thrilling gameplay experience and delivers exceptional damage output. With the provided tips and detailed explanations, you’re well-equipped to conquer challenging content in The Elder Scrolls Online.

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