Seeking Current Housing and Trophy Guidance in New World

I’m in search of updated information regarding housing and trophies in New World. I haven’t purchased my first house yet, as things were quite perplexing and chaotic during the game’s initial launch. Now that I’m actively playing again, I want to ensure I get things right from the start.

I’m bewildered about several aspects, including whether it matters where and what type of houses I should buy, the precise details of trophies, how to obtain them, and how they function. I’m also curious about the benefits of acquiring multiple houses, if that’s still an option. Are the notorious taxes still in place? My online searches through Google and YouTube haven’t yielded any information more recent than 1-1.5 years old, and I’d prefer not to make any costly mistakes with this system.

Is it possible that all of this becomes clear as I progress through the in-game housing quest, which prompts me to buy my first house?

In response:

Yes, if you’re a crafter, it’s crucial to select a house in a city on your server that consistently maintains crafting buffs. This is the primary reason for choosing a specific city location.

Having houses in different cities also earns you buffs. You can own up to three houses and obtain three trophies to receive the best buff, whether it’s the Ultimate Combat, Crafting, or Gathering. Additionally, there are Luck Trophies that can further enhance your gameplay, with a maximum of three to maximize their effectiveness.

Larger houses provide benefits such as increased storage capacity for that city, a shorter cooldown timer for recalling, and more space for placing furniture. However, they also come with higher tax costs.

Trophy buffs remain relevant and desirable, particularly for crafting 700 GS items.

Each house allows you to place up to five trophies, one of each type. The introduction of Ultimate Trophies allows you to consolidate various individual trophies into a single Ultimate Trophy, but to obtain these, you must initially possess all the individual ones. For example, having three Ultimate Combat trophies means you no longer need to swap out Major Combat trophies, as you now have Ancient, Lost, Angry Earth, Beast, and Human all combined into one. The same principle applies to Gathering and Crafting Ultimate trophies. To get all the trophies, buying cheap New World gold from can quickly help you achieve this goal and surpass others.