Top 5 Defensible Base Locations Guide in Myth of Empires

In the vast world of Myth of Empires, securing a strategic base location can make all the difference between dominance and defeat. With resources scattered across the map and the constant threat of raids looming, choosing the right spot for your stronghold is paramount. In this guide, we’ll explore the top five base locations, ranked for their defensibility, accessibility to resources, and strategic advantages.

  1. Rainforest Retreat:
    Location: Undisclosed Coordinates in the Rainforest Area

Our journey begins in the lush rainforests, where a hidden gem awaits those seeking a strong foothold. Nestled amidst towering trees and abundant wildlife, this location offers a plethora of resources right at your doorstep. With copper, iron, and coal nearby, resource gathering becomes a breeze. Moreover, the nearby crude salt deposit ensures a steady supply for food production.

Ideal for: Early to mid-game players looking for a secure starting point with easy access to essential resources.

Challenges: Distance from clay and salt peter deposits, as well as limited access to certain high-level creatures like rhinos and elephants.

  1. Cliffside Citadel:
    Location: Minus 354, Minus 747

Venturing towards the cliffside, we discover a strategic stronghold perched atop rugged terrain. With only one entry point, fortified by sturdy walls and natural barriers, this location offers exceptional defensibility. Its proximity to the desert ensures access to valuable resources like cowling clay and black iron, while the surrounding strongholds provide additional security.

Ideal for: Mid to end-game players seeking a highly defensible base with access to desert resources.

Challenges: Limited access to certain resources like salt peter and crocodile spawns, as well as potential threats from higher-level mobs.

  1. Riverine Refuge:
    Location: Undisclosed Coordinates along the River

Embraced by the tranquil waters of a winding river, this base location offers both serenity and security. Surrounded by cliffs and dense forests, it provides natural protection against invaders. The proximity to the desert allows for expedient access to valuable resources, while the abundance of wildlife ensures a steady supply of hides and meats.

Ideal for: Players looking for a harmonious blend of defense and resource accessibility, suitable for mid to end-game progression.

Challenges: Vulnerability to underwater assaults and potential threats from hostile creatures dwelling along the riverbanks.

  1. Island Bastion:
    Location: 2231, Minus 890

In the heart of a secluded island lies a fortress shrouded in mist and mystery. Surrounded by impassable waters and towering cliffs, this base location offers unparalleled security. Resource nodes dot the landscape, providing ample raw materials for construction and crafting. With careful planning, this island stronghold becomes an impregnable fortress against all but the most determined attackers.

Ideal for: End-game players seeking absolute security and control over vital resources.

Challenges: Limited land area for expansion and potential isolation from mainland alliances and trade routes.

  1. Subaqueous Sanctuary:
    Location: Undisclosed Coordinates within an Underwater Cave

Our final destination delves into the depths of the ocean, where a hidden cave conceals a fortress beyond reach. Accessible only through submerged tunnels, this base location defies conventional siege tactics. With doors and walls lining the underwater passages, attackers face a formidable challenge in breaching its defenses. While resource scarcity may pose a challenge, the unparalleled security compensates for any shortcomings.

Ideal for: Players seeking ultimate protection against raids, willing to sacrifice resource abundance for security.

Challenges: Limited space for expansion and reliance on underwater access for defense, potentially vulnerable to future game updates.


In the ever-evolving world of Myth of Empires, base location plays a crucial role in determining success or failure. By strategically choosing from the top five defensible locations outlined in this guide, players can establish formidable strongholds and secure their dominance in the realm. However, adaptability and vigilance remain key as new challenges and threats emerge on the horizon. Choose wisely, fortify diligently, and may your empire thrive amidst the trials of the Myth of Empires.

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