WoW TBC Leveling Guide

Building up your character on an MMORPG platform takes dedication and time. You first need to learn the controls of the game and how fighting works. The more encounters that you have, the better experience you will gain at dealing with dreadful battles against your enemies. This also helps you gain the knowledge of how and when to use your abilities and spells. After that, there’s the leveling system that leads to the location where you will be staying. Yes, there are some games that provide different levels to the NPCs that you encounter on a map for this WoW TBC leveling guide. However, there are scenarios where the enemies become easier to kill as you level up in the same location for a while. There are also times when high-level threats kill you at the spot because they are the NPCs you don’t want to approach until you reach the required level to face them. Thus, resulting in your map exploration being limited.

Speaking in terms of the leveling system in World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade is no exception to leveling up methodically in this wow TBC leveling guide. When you move around with your character, you will learn many things, such as the monsters you need to steer clear from and the ones you need to attack, or what zones are the best option for you to enter. Additionally, there are various ways that you can repeatedly approach to earn experience points and level up your character.

What are the changes that happened to the WoW TBC Classic leveling system?

The amount of experience points required between levels 20 and 60, now has a reduction percentage of 15%. Thus, allowing you to explore newly added expansion maps quicker than ever before. You will now need less time to move between zones because when you finish a quest, you will have more experience points than before. Since most of the mobs have lost their elite statuses, they are easier to kill. Multiple quest hubs and questlines are available to every classic player. When the previous bonuses are added, you can notice that it adds up to more chances of earning experience points. You can also achieve tremendous rewards as you complete the objectives of various tasks in the game. Finally, each one of your characters can obtain their respective mounts at level 30. Also, the cost to train and purchase them has also been reduced, allowing you to travel faster at the earlier levels.

What are the ways to gain experience points?

During your gameplay, you will cross paths with various mobs, and that’s when you should keep your fears aside and attack them without thinking twice. If you manage to defeat a mob, you will earn experience points, and the more challenging the mobs become, the better experience points you will gain. Within Azeroth, there are many dungeons that can be accessed with a temporal part to encounter monsters with high levels and skills. Killing them will give you a lot more experience points than the pesty mobs that you have killed outside the dungeons. Another perk is that you can obtain decent tier equipment for your character, which is quite necessary as you level up. After completing the entire tasks in a quest, you are rewarded with experience points. There are also times when you can repeat by quest by speaking to the NPC again, and not that I have left it out, you can also get rewarded with powerful items and equipment. Finally, you can gather a group of friends to form a party and explore around Azeroth while killing anything that befalls your path.

Leveling Guide (Levels 1 to 70): Horde and Alliance Faction

Horde Faction Zones

From level 1 to 10 for TBC leveling guide Horde, Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, Durotar, and Eversong Woods. From level 10 to 20, Silverpine Forest, Ghostlands. From level 20 to 30, The Barrens. From level 30 to 40, Thousand Needles, Stranglethorn Vale (30 to 35). Desolace, Arathi Highlands (35 to 40). From level 40 to 50, Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands (40 to 45). Tanaris, Searing Gorge, Feralas, The Hinterlands (45 to 50). From level 50 to 60, Felwood, Azshara, Un’Goro Crater, Blasted Lands (50 to 55). Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, Winterspring (55 to 60). From level 60 to 70, Hellfire Peninsula (60). Zangarmarsh (61 to 63). Terokkar Forest (63 to 65). Nagrand (65 to 67). Blade’s Edge Mountains (67 to 68). Netherstorm (68 to 69). Shadowmoon Valley (69 to 70).

Alliance Faction Zones

From levels 1 to 10, visit Teldrassil, Dun Morogh, Azuremyst Isle, and Elwynn Forest. From Levels 10 to 20, Loch Modan, Darkshore, Bloodmyst Isle, Westfall. From Levels 20 to 30, Stonetalon Mountains, Redridge Mountains, Ashenvale (20-25). Wetlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Duskwood (25-30). From Levels 30 to 40, Thousand Needles, Stranglethorn Vale (30 to 35). Desolace, Arathi Highlands (35 to 40). From Levels 40 to 50, Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands (40 to 45). Tanaris, Searing Gorge, Feralas, The Hinterlands (45 to 50). From Levels 50 to 60, Felwood, Azshara, Un’Goro Crater, Blasted Lands (50 to 55). Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, Winterspring (55 to 60). From Levels 60 to 70, Hellfire Peninsula (60). Zangarmarsh (61 to 63). Terokkar Forest (63 to 65). Nagrand (65 to 67). Blade’s Edge Mountains (67 to 68). Netherstorm (68 to 69). Shadowmoon Valley (69 to 70).